About Us …

                      MONDAY FEB. 3RD – FEAST OF ST. BLAISE BISHOP AND MARTYR                                                                         7pm BLESSING OF THROATS IMMEDIATELY AFTER MASS

                                    FRIDAY FEB 7TH – FIRST FRIDAY MASS AT 7PM

Parish Potluck  each 1st Sunday of the month beginning Sept 1st! Coffee & Donuts 3rd Sundays.

5th sundays – K of C Pancake and Sausage Breakfast

 Welcome to the web site of Holy Family Catholic Church, a parish of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati staffed by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, a society of apostolic life of pontifical right in union with His Holiness, Pope Francis, and the Archbishop of Cincinnati, Dennis M. Schnurr.  This parish was established by the generosity of Archbishop Schnurr in order to minister to the faithful who are attached to the most traditional forms of worship, and more generally, for all those who desire to experience the richness and diversity of the Church’s liturgical and spiritual traditions.  The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and all the Sacraments are celebrated according to the traditional Roman Rite.

Holy Family Catholic Church, Dayton, OH | catholicsanctuaries | Flickr

  • Today on the liturgical calendar for our parish: